Berger Picard
friendly, affectionate, confident
dogs in the archive Welcome to the Berger Picard Breed Archive, a place for Berger Picard lovers, breed enthusiasts and pedigree addicts.
Creators of The Breed Archive
Country of origin: FranceBreed group: Sheepdogs and Cattledogs - Group 1 (FCI); Pastoral Group (KC); Herding Group (AKC)
Size: largeCoat: semi-long, rough
Colour: fawn, brindle, grey
Life expectancy: 12-14 years
Friendly, affectionate and even-tempered family dog of good nature making an excellent companion for outdoor activities.A Hollywood star born
A Berger Picard plays the title character in the film "Because of Winn-Dixie". Winn-Dixie was supposed to be a mixed-breed, and the Berger Picard was chosen because of its tousled and unusual appearance. Discover
pedigrees Browse pedigrees and photos, analyse health and pedigrees, and contribute information to the archive.

Alice Compagne du Cheval
Rico des Mandarines Bleues Xivry de la Vallée du Mouton
fawn with charcoal
Germany 2004

DE CH (VDH), GW 2024, LU CH, NL CH, C.I.B.
Bodhi Lys et Lions de la Picardie Wow 2023
Oser à l’Ombre du Vieux Chêne Ehawee de las Chicas Guapas
fawn with charcoal
Germany 2021

Oiseau Des Montagnes RN, DN, BCAT, CGCA, CGCU, TKA, ATT, VHMA
Gribouille Des Falaises D'Fort Les Bans Mignonette De La Vie En Rose
fawn with charcoal
United States 2018

Sacha Dolce of Xanadu's Aria FITS, CGC, DS, ATT, CA, FCAT2
Pierre de la Vie en Rose Nonet Rose Ballad of Xanadu's Aria
fawn with charcoal
United States 2021
27/10/2024#TBA Feature
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